Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

My husband and I had the opportunity to spend a couple days this Memorial weekend with 2 retired Navy Seals. What a great weekend. These guys are awesome. Not only are they tough, courageous, talented, and "bad ass", they shared their human side with us as well. They told stories that we could only dare to imagine...war stories. These brave guys, and thousands before them and after them, give so much. We have no idea, and until you actually get the opportunity to know one, talk to one, hear one, the life of a soldier sometimes seems like simply something we see on TV, or in a movie. They are so brave, so patriotic, they love God and their country. And they SACRIFICE. They put their lives on the line, for us, for their country. To be around these guys was such a gift. While Memorial Day is a day to remember, and be thankful for those who served or are serving, we need to remember these guys and gals daily. Everyday there are soldiers out there risking their lives. If you don't know a soldier or haven't had the opportunity to get to know one, I hope you someday do. Meanwhile you can pray for them, pray for their safety, pray for their lives, and pray for their return home.

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