Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More B.S. Political Correctness.....

Roman Polanski......
A 44 year old man gets a 13 year old girl drunk and drugged, has sex with her, gets convicted of rape and flees the country. He finally gets arrested, good! Send him to jail, he needs to pay for his crime. But, since he is not any old Joe, but a Hollywood member.....people want him to go free. Whoopi, I still can't believe her response on live TV yesterday. "It wasn't rape-rape. Are you kidding? Is there a difference in rape and rape-rape? What does that even mean? I wonder if she would say the same thing if it was her 13 year old? Not to forget, he plead GUILTY!
I also wonder if it was 72 year old republican senator who fled the country with the same you think she would be saying the same wasn't rape-rape? Yea right, who are these people? Such blatant double dang tired of Hollywood thinking they actually know what the heck they are talking about...go back to acting.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shocking (NOT!)

Anyone listen to the news this morning.....Iran testing NUKES? Shocking, isn't it? NOT! Come on people...wake up! They actually have a missel now that may reach Israel......think about how you would feel if you lived there? But don't worry people, we will soon have a new healthcare plan, I just hope it will include a plan for radiation sickness.....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pray for our country.......

What a week.....the UN rounded up every thug they could find and let them all speak on public TV...... Can somebody tell me why? These people care nothing about their own people let alone us....they come in and lie and pretend they want nuclear plants for electricity and medicine.......yea, right. For years we've been watching Iran get closer and closer to nuclear weapons. We threaten them with sanctions, they don't care. They are on a mission. I read a scary article today on National Review Online " Despite the president’s praise of the UN, trashing of the previous administration, and grandiose proclamations that we are back on the Human Rights Council, there is little international concern over Iran. A few nations walked out during Ahmadinejad’s rant, but most delegates stayed glued to their seats. Russia and China — the former recently appeased by the missile deal, the latter recently rebuffed with the tire tariff — are flush with cash and enjoy the notion that Iran bothers us more than it does them; they have not yet been hope-and-changed into helping Obama with his grand vision on the grounds that he is not Bush. Some look at our president and see a messiah; these two see a rookie in charge of a now-bankrupt country with $2-trillion-a-year deficits that is unsure what to do in two wars and in dire need of both imported oil and trillions in cash. In short, there is nothing the international community can or will do about Iran’s road to a small arsenal of nukes. What would work — an ironclad international boycott and embargo of Iran’s oil exports and gasoline imports — is beyond Western statecraft. In this new Obama era of morally equivalent multiculturalism, we have no desire to stand for human rights and support the Iranian opposition in any meaningful way; and as for trying to appease either the Muslim world or Russia and China in hopes of getting help from them — well, no comment on that."
Does anyone really believe Iran has no interest in creating a nuclear bomb? Where is the common sense, I'm not CIA, FBI, or a Politician in Washington, but I do know this.....IRAN is not to be trusted, get a grip people, open your eyes, better yet, get some common sense!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Buyers Suffer Buyer's Remorse, Won't Save Fuel

Cash for Clunkers Buyers Suffer Buyer's Remorse, Won't Save Fuel

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We're not flowers stupid.....

Don't know why, but I have been thinking about this lately. I used to have a poster in the 70's, during high school. Cute little hippie thing, it read, "If flowers grow in Peace, Why can't we?"
I had this very liberal sociology teacher, and very cute and cool. He would let us bring in posters to class and hang them on the wall. Of course, I brought in my little flower power one. So proud to see it hanging there everyday. Well one day my friend and I were admiring all the posters...and there is was, my first graffiti experience! Some awful person had written in pen underneath "because we're not flowers stupid!" Can you imagine? How rude! Funny thing is, I think about that little poster every so often....especially when I see people protesting the war. I hate war, we all do. "Flowers grow in peace, why can't we? But guess what? He was right, we're not flowers stupid.....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Politicians or Rock Stars?

I heard an interesting quote today,
"Liberals want to become politicians for the same reasons teenagers want to become rock stars".....kind of rude, I'm sure many of them want to serve the people.....but then I began thinking about all the speeches I've seen President Obama give on TV this week.....and then I saw him on Letterman last night...hmmmmmmm. Food for thought.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let's all have a baby, or 2 or 3 or 4....

Okay, Babies are great. And lot's of people out there have them, whites, blacks, Hispanic, single people, married, people, divorced people...everyone has circumstances....each and everyone is in a unique place. But sometimes you just have to quit being politically correct! Some people are so IRRESPONSIBLE it is crazy. Lil' Wayne. A rapper to those of you who have no idea. A single 20 something rapper (quite popular and successful). He as a daughter about 9 or 11 (can't remember) Another child 5 or 6 ish (can't remember) He just had a baby this cute. Oh, and did I mention, another one due next month. How? You ask? If he just had one this week how can he have another one next month?
4 kids, 4 different moms.....that's how. NO responsibility! Don't anyone try to defend this guy.....can you say condom?
I'm sure his parents are so proud, and what a great example to all the kids who buy his music........

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ACORN...the saga continues....

Not sure what to think? Are there any honest people left?
I'm sure everyday will expose a new chapter in this book that will no doubt have a crappy ending....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So...what don't we understand about closing these criminals down? Why would anyone defend them? They brake the law on a daily basis. And our money helps fund it. Unbelievable, It has nothing to do with race, political parties, blah blah blah.....they are on tape, they don't care about the facts, they will help anyone criminal or not......they are busted...time to get na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, gooood bye.....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Holy Cow (or blogfrogs)

We live in an entirely too complicated world...whatever happened to the good old days, when we had 1 TV and 1 phone? And the phone was on the wall, so you always new where it was! If you want to know what I am confused about read my grooveymom blog, I'm too exhausted to repeat myself....

They came in big numbers...

The numbers still are not in, but it was in the thousands....
Wow, so many people in DC protesting this administration. The people are speaking. They are sick of Big Government, sick of a health care plan that no one can understand, tired of more taxes and bigger debt.....please tell me someone is listening......good for these people standing up for their beliefs. That's what this country is about, freedom of speech....freedom, its a good thing. Whether you agree with them or not.....
Makes me realize, if your are not happy about something, do something about it, quit complaining.....they did. Maybe next time....

Friday, September 11, 2009

God Bless America

Proud to be an American, especially today.
Never forget those who gave their lives for our freedoms!
Don't let anyone take it away..........

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Okay, I wanted to say something there are probably a few good people with good intentions out there working for ACORN (Assoc. of Community Organizations for Reform Now). But you know what? Can't do it......we need to close em' down, take the millions they receive in federal grant money, and give it to low income families that need health care. Now that makes good sense!
ACORN (Assoc. of Criminal Organizations for Racial Nonsense)!
Sorry, they tick me off!


Don't even know where to begin.....ugh!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Courage to Continue

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill
That's the key, continue! No matter what, we must continue!
Don't give up...whatever the obstacle, just Continue!
Whether in your faith, job, politics, health, finances, relationships...keep truckin'....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Paranoid part 2

Okay, now I'm sounding a little paranoid about the government....not all of it, but definitely this administration. I'm sure there are good people out there somewhere working for the government. So stand up for your freedoms and don't be afraid to ask questions and have a difference of opinion...we do not want to live in a socialist country and I know all of you don't be alert, make a difference, change is NOT always careful what you wish for.

Uncle Autie...keep em' comin'

"However (political parties) may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurper for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept. 17, 1796
Okay, I had to read this several actually get it. Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men, subvert the power of the people, for themselves the reins of government...if you cut it down, and add a little common sense....I get it.
ps-usurper-means to sieze

My sister writes:
Tomorrow in Santa Ana a copy of a Kenyan Hospital Birth Certificate for Barrack Hussein Obama is going to be filed with the court. Fox news will be there. What do you think about that? True or not?

Wow, we will all have to follow this......not sure what I think, but I do believe all men running for president, left, right, black, white need proof of citizenship BEFORE they run. Some say he had proof, others say no...I have no idea, but maybe they will get to the bottom of this....good grief!

New Uncle Autie Quote....

"Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry." Thomas Paine
Can it be that we have not learned anything.....Thomas Paine knew it way back, he warned us then, did nobody listen? Talk about government in every corner and crevice.....banking, auto, health, housing, I know, if they want to control you think they will pay my house payment this month? I could use a little extra, oh wait....they probably can't afford to, they will have to pay all the new car payments people can't pay from cash for clunkers......

Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Buy It!

We have been studying Dave Ramsey at church for the last few weeks. He has soooooo much common sense it's painful. He has classes you can take, books you can read, counselors you can talk to, workbooks to fill out. But I can put exactly what he is teaching into one line......if you can't afford it, don't buy it! In other words if you can't pay (cash) for it, don't buy it!
Common Sense, go figure.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Levi Johnston

Whether you are a Sarah Palin fan or not.......Levi Johnston is way off base. He has been making remarks regarding Palins role as a mother, grandmother, politician.....He claims there was not much parenting regarding the Palin house, that Sarah was down after the election and talked about quitting politcs to write a what? Who wouldn't have been down after that election, I know I was. The thing this wanna-be actor-model kid from Wasilla needs to remember......he is the father of her grandchild. It makes him family. He needs to grow up, support the Palin family and take some responsibility in his own parenting other words, have some common sense.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Be Careful What You "Facebook"

I recently joined the world of facebook......scary. I know all the younger generation is used to it, but it feels so "out there". Such exposure. Anyway, at a CU graduation ceremony, one of the guest speakers gave the best advice I have ever heard regarding the Internet. "Don't put anything on the Internet (facebook, twitter, email, my space, etc.) that you would not want your mom, dad, grandmother or grandfather to see".......because it will come back to haunt you. It will be out there eventually for the world to see.....think about it. Common Sense, isn't it amazing?