Monday, August 31, 2009

You Know What To Do.....

Okay, if you want to be healthy and lose weight, you know what to do.
Start moving and quit eating crap! It's that easy. I have been reading this book "Younger Next Year for Women" my groovey friends Jim and Sandy gave to me......are they trying to tell me something? I'm sure they are. They are probably sick and tired of me telling them I need to get in shape and lose 20 lbs. I am sick and tired of listening to myself! This book is full of COMMON SENSE. One of the best quotes from this book, "you don't go to a whore house for conversation and you shouldn't go to Mc Donald's for a ya think? But the Big Mac and fries with that salad......I can't have that either? All the diets, books, tapes, fads, blah blah blah. Common Sense, that's all it takes. Get moving, start exercising, walking, running, no walking from the couch to the kitchen does not count, or taking out the trash, we have to MOVE! Sweat! And the eating.....I can't believe I can't lose weight???? You mean 5 hot choc. chip fake and bakes are not good for you? But they make me so happy......okay, spinlates tonight and 1 almond for lunch today.....:)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

He Said a Mouthful.....

There is nothing like a good quote....I love my bro-in-law, Art. "Uncle Autie" as I like to call him. He is my political guru.....if I have a question about politics, he's the guy to ask. He had my sis send me this great quote the other day for my common sense blog.
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." Thomas Jefferson in 1824. Wow, in 1824? Parasites living on the labor of the industrious? Wouldn't he be disappointed to know that not much has changed over the last 200 years? yikes! After reading that quote, I found a couple of other ones that T.J. said (seems he has lots).
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them".... you can say that again.....2009.
Also, "If God is just, I tremble for my country.........Amen Mr. Jefferson. Kind of comforting to know they had morons in the government in 1824 too. Some things never change.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have been thinking lately about "volunteering". I looked up the meaning of this most awesome word...A person who chooses freely to do or offer to do something......the type of volunteering I am talking about, I would add to help others. My favorite definition is freely choose to offer or give without being asked or obliged. This is important, do it from the heart. Do not expect anything in return. If everyone volunteered just a little something once in a while, what a difference it would make. It doesn't have to be money, time is huge. If everyone gave 1 hour a week, wow! Think about it......"volunteer" small word, big meaning. I'm working on it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Common Sense Governor!

Finally, a politician with some common sense! And the &*@#* to stand up to someone. Way to go Governor Jon Corzine of New Jersey. He is saying NO to letting Libya's Muammar al-Qaddafi "camp-out" in his state. Why? If you don't remember, Libya was responsible for the bombing of the Pan Am flight that went down in Lockerbie, Scotland years ago. 259 people were killed in the plane and 11 on the ground. In case you didn't know....38 victims were from Englewood, New Jersey. (59 were from New York). Gov. Corzine says Qaddafi can land his helicopter at the UN, do his business and get the heck out.......I love it! A Governor with common sense and a pair of &%$@*! Personally, I don't think he should be able to land anywhere in the U.S.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Do we really need the government to help us pick our doctors? Why is it the new administration thinks that we are unable to make any decisions on our own? I think I know that if I drink Drano, I may die.....or if I drink while pregnant, it's not a good thing. I also know when roads are wet, they are slippery! I have common sense, therefore I can choose my own doctors. I have common sense, most of us's the people who don't who need the help, choose their doctors. I can handle my own affairs thank you very much! What say you?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Political Correctness......

I talked about political correctness in my blog post the other day, and thought I should address it again. I can't help feel that by being politically correct all the time, we are not really being true to ourselves. Again I will say, we don't want to be rude or disrespectful, or seem not caring, but sometimes the truth hurts.....we are so worried about being politically correct we don't say what we really think. Our politicians are scared to stand up for what they really may not be politically correct. I say, who cares? I want a politician to say what he/she believes in. One who has the #@*!& to stand up for who he is, right or wrong, you have to respect that! More to follow.........