Friday, October 30, 2009

What's on your page?

I read a quote recently "today you write another page in your story"
I love it. What will I write today? In my story? It's our story, we can write whatever we want....good or bad, happy or sad, inspiring or's our story!
We are all held accountable, what will you write? What will I write? What will our fearless leaders write?
Think about it? Now write it......make it count.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can't make a decision?

At some point in time, many of us cannot make a happens.
When the President of the United States can't make a decision....shit happens.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Why can't people realize......every time the government comes up with a new plan, a better this or that, a free whatever.....SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR IT! And who do you think that is???????
IT'S YOU! Dummy up people....Nothing is free! You will pay for it.
Common Sense.......

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More common sense from Uncle Autie!

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul"
George Bernard Shaw

The persons who rob Peter to pay Paul need to realize that eventually Peter runs out of money.....grooveymom

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


1. A form of SOCIALISM that abolishes private ownership.

2. A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society.

A totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production with the professed aim of establishing a classless society.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Whine's an epidemic!

The White House has a serious case of the whine flu. Seems like no matter what they do, they can't shake it! It's gotten so bad that they are trying to shut Fox News up.......The Obama administration does not like Fox News because they have a difference of opinion.......what happend to free press? Freedom of speech? This administration goes after anyone who does not agree with them! Well get a grip...that's why this is America! We have FREEDOMS! They want a government dominated America....they want to control the auto industry, the banking industry, the insurance industry and now the press! And if the rest of the country does not agree with them, they hoo, big fat Fox News, whine,whine,whine,'s an idea, make them all get an H1N1 flu shot......but they have to stand in line at a free clinic. Shit people, get a clue, this is socialism....controlling the press is the scariest thing they've done so far....more to come, I'm sure.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Diwali (go to youtube and watch Obama's speech on Diwali....)
Happy Diwali......I am really going to try to be open minded about this, Obama, our Nobel Peace Prize winner, is reaching out to the rest of the world. Recognizing other faiths, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikh, Buddhist...all celebrate the festival of lights... I respect freedom of religion.......and will hope that he is doing this with good concience..... What I wonder....will we see him on TV on Dec. 25 celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Will he have the courage to say Merry Christmas and address his fellow Christians? We'll see.........

Friday, October 16, 2009

Uncle Autie Quote.....

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine
Amen Thomas!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


WHINE-a complaint uttered in a plaintive annoying whining way.
WHINE-FLU-a sickness that causes people to whine and complain in an annoying way.......instead of getting off their butts and doing something constructive......
(thought it would be appropriate to start with whine) :-)

Choose Your Words Wisely

We need to choose our words wisely.....I have been thinking about this alot lately, after seeing Sean Combs(also known as P Diddy, Sean John, etc.) on Oprah. I haven't seen Oprah in months but happened to watch when he was on. He is a rap artist, and Oprah talked to him about using the "N" word. He found nothing wrong with it, that it tells a story about his history and black history. Oprah on the other hand found it very offensive. It is hurtful to her when she hears it...of course, when she was growing up this was a mean and racist word. It still is. Especially in a world where she is working hard to eliminate racism. I take her side, not because I'm old school, but because I think we need to progress....move forward. I hear kids saying this word all over the place. White kids in white neighborhoods....because they listen to the music. Kids of all colors hear it and repeat it.....It's dangerous and offensive. They say it one place and no one pays attention, they say it in the wrong place....and it could be deadly. It's time to think before we speak, if people want respect, they need to earn it with their words and actions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Educate Yourselves!

I got several email comments from many of you regarding the "whine flu".....haha. It's funny, but all of us suffer a case of this every so often! Some of us more than others.... But here's the deal. We have the right to whine if we are truly doing the right thing, leading productive lives, giving back to society, obeying the law, etc. But, we have NO right to whine if we are not. AND, we have NO right to whine about the state of our country if....we did not vote, we do not campaign for our nominees, and if we do not EDUCATE ourselves about what is actually going on out there! We must educate, investigate, and participate! I am thinking of posting a "word of the day" so we can all get a little educated..... a political that I will find a the definition for......and see if we can't become a little bit more in tune to what the heck is happening to this great country...stay tunned! Maybe I'll start with "whinning"......

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Dancing with the Czars"

Okay, I think the Obama administration is now up to 40 plus Czars. The rationale for creating “Czar” positions is that such individuals can assist in helping run the government. Done well, this can demonstrate an administration's higher level of interest and dedication to an issue. But this ceases to be true when these "positions" become so commonplace that it’s hard to see where ordinary bureaucracy ends and the extraordinary begins. At over 40, giving the current administration more Czars than Imperial Russia had in its history. We have a Mideast Peace Czar and a Mideast Policy Czar, a Sudan Czar and a Guantanamo Closure Czar. There’s a Green Jobs Czar (oops, no more don't forget Van Jones), here's a good one, Charlie Rangel the Ways and Means trouble for not paying his own taxes, a Pay Czar and an Energy Czar, an Urban Affairs Czar, Technology Czar, and even a Great Lakes Czar. Thankfully, there’s also an Information Czar. As they say, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. The list goes on and on, you have to scratch your head and ask if perhaps we should re-think this approach. Instead of constantly creating new positions to coordinate our government's activities, wouldn't it make more sense to figure out how to let our elected officials figure this stuff out and wouldn't that better for the taxpayer?
I'm not the expert on this, but what is the average salary for these guys? And what if they don't agree with the people who were actually elected to work on all these issues? Who has final word? Good Grief, maybe I can become the Fragrance Czar.......Or better yet, maybe NBC can start a new show...Dancing with the Czars....and David Letterman can host.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great Rush Limbaugh Guest.....

I heard this on Rush and it made so much sense (common sense) that I had to share.....

Husband Teaches Wife a Lesson
October 7, 2009

RUSH: Nashville, Tennessee, this is Tim. I'm glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey! How are you doing?

RUSH: Very well, sir, thank you.

CALLER: All right. My wife had a hard time trying to understand why Obama's plan to "spread the wealth" was unfair. She couldn't see (sigh), you know, what was wrong with taking from those who have and giving to those who don't have so what I did was I simplified it for her. She's a woman that prides herself on education. She's working on a Vanderbilt and she makes excellent grades CALLER: Now, I told her, I said --

RUSH: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You are depressing me. Your wife's a Ph.D., working on a Ph.D., she makes excellent grades.

CALLER: Yes, and we have four kids.

RUSH: No, it makes total sense that she would think what she thinks because the culture she's immersed herself in, academia, is teaching her this stuff.

CALLER: (laughing) Well, let me finish. Let me show you what I did.

RUSH: Yes. Sorry for the interruption.

CALLER: That's okay. Let me just show you what I did to bring her around. I said, "You know, what if you made a hundred on a test and another guy in your class made a 60? This guy is a failing mark and you have a high passing mark. Would it be fair to say 20 of your points, bring you down to an 80, give the 20 to the guy that made the 60 and bring him up to 80 and everything is equal?" She said, "No." I said, "Why?" She said, "Because I earned that grade." I said, "Don't you think rich people earned the money that they get?" And so she was speechless. She couldn't say anything. She'd said, "No, I earned it." I said, "Think about it, baby. "You're bringing a guy up from a failing grade to a passing grade, and we're gonna bring you down to his level." I said, "Now you apply that type of example with everybody in the classroom, everybody being the dumber. Nobody would ever get out of your class because everybody would have a failing grade." So she then understood the point I was trying to make. Sometimes you have to use other examples to get other people to think, you know, to try to get the point across of what you're trying to say. That's all I wanted to say.

RUSH: Well, you did a great job out there I don't know how much you made her "think" as you made her "realize."


RUSH: But I need to ask you something, Tim.

CALLER: Go ahead.

RUSH: Has this conversion held? Does she still get it now that you've explained it to her.

CALLER: She gets it but she hates it.

RUSH: Well, I tell you, if she goes back to class where she's studying for her Ph.D. and she runs this story either by a fellow student -- or even worse, a professor -- the professor will say, "Well, here's what you shoulda said when your husband posed this question: 'The people who have a lot of people money didn't earn it. They have stolen it.'" This is Obama's belief.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Uncle Autie Quote.....

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God"
Thomas Jefferson

Let's just see....what is a tyrant?
Tyrant-a tyrant is one who has taken power by their own means as opposed to hereditary or constitutional power. (wikipedia)
Let's see, can you think of anyone in Washington who maybe fits into this picture?????? Taken power by their own means....hmmmm
luv ya Autie!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mike Rogers Has Common Sense
Check out his comments on health care on youtube......He is a Rep. from Michigan.