Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Whine Flu.....it's an epidemic!

The White House has a serious case of the whine flu. Seems like no matter what they do, they can't shake it! It's gotten so bad that they are trying to shut Fox News up.......The Obama administration does not like Fox News because they have a difference of opinion.......what happend to free press? Freedom of speech? This administration goes after anyone who does not agree with them! Well get a grip...that's why this is America! We have FREEDOMS! They want a government dominated America....they want to control the auto industry, the banking industry, the insurance industry and now the press! And if the rest of the country does not agree with them, they Whine......boo hoo, big fat Fox News, whine,whine,whine,whine......here's an idea, make them all get an H1N1 flu shot......but they have to stand in line at a free clinic. Shit people, get a clue, this is socialism....controlling the press is the scariest thing they've done so far....more to come, I'm sure.

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