Monday, October 12, 2009

Educate Yourselves!

I got several email comments from many of you regarding the "whine flu".....haha. It's funny, but all of us suffer a case of this every so often! Some of us more than others.... But here's the deal. We have the right to whine if we are truly doing the right thing, leading productive lives, giving back to society, obeying the law, etc. But, we have NO right to whine if we are not. AND, we have NO right to whine about the state of our country if....we did not vote, we do not campaign for our nominees, and if we do not EDUCATE ourselves about what is actually going on out there! We must educate, investigate, and participate! I am thinking of posting a "word of the day" so we can all get a little educated..... a political that I will find a the definition for......and see if we can't become a little bit more in tune to what the heck is happening to this great country...stay tunned! Maybe I'll start with "whinning"......

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