Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pray for our country.......

What a week.....the UN rounded up every thug they could find and let them all speak on public TV...... Can somebody tell me why? These people care nothing about their own people let alone us....they come in and lie and pretend they want nuclear plants for electricity and medicine.......yea, right. For years we've been watching Iran get closer and closer to nuclear weapons. We threaten them with sanctions, they don't care. They are on a mission. I read a scary article today on National Review Online " Despite the president’s praise of the UN, trashing of the previous administration, and grandiose proclamations that we are back on the Human Rights Council, there is little international concern over Iran. A few nations walked out during Ahmadinejad’s rant, but most delegates stayed glued to their seats. Russia and China — the former recently appeased by the missile deal, the latter recently rebuffed with the tire tariff — are flush with cash and enjoy the notion that Iran bothers us more than it does them; they have not yet been hope-and-changed into helping Obama with his grand vision on the grounds that he is not Bush. Some look at our president and see a messiah; these two see a rookie in charge of a now-bankrupt country with $2-trillion-a-year deficits that is unsure what to do in two wars and in dire need of both imported oil and trillions in cash. In short, there is nothing the international community can or will do about Iran’s road to a small arsenal of nukes. What would work — an ironclad international boycott and embargo of Iran’s oil exports and gasoline imports — is beyond Western statecraft. In this new Obama era of morally equivalent multiculturalism, we have no desire to stand for human rights and support the Iranian opposition in any meaningful way; and as for trying to appease either the Muslim world or Russia and China in hopes of getting help from them — well, no comment on that."
Does anyone really believe Iran has no interest in creating a nuclear bomb? Where is the common sense, I'm not CIA, FBI, or a Politician in Washington, but I do know this.....IRAN is not to be trusted, get a grip people, open your eyes, better yet, get some common sense!


MommaRu said...

"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." --President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)

MommaRu said...

I just wish we could educate our peeps on the ideas of our Founding Fathers. Then we might exactly continue to be a great nation.