Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let's all have a baby, or 2 or 3 or 4....

Okay, Babies are great. And lot's of people out there have them, whites, blacks, Hispanic, single people, married, people, divorced people...everyone has circumstances....each and everyone is in a unique place. But sometimes you just have to quit being politically correct! Some people are so IRRESPONSIBLE it is crazy. Lil' Wayne. A rapper to those of you who have no idea. A single 20 something rapper (quite popular and successful). He as a daughter about 9 or 11 (can't remember) Another child 5 or 6 ish (can't remember) He just had a baby this cute. Oh, and did I mention, another one due next month. How? You ask? If he just had one this week how can he have another one next month?
4 kids, 4 different moms.....that's how. NO responsibility! Don't anyone try to defend this guy.....can you say condom?
I'm sure his parents are so proud, and what a great example to all the kids who buy his music........

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